Are Christians Allowed To Lie In Order To Promote Forced Birth?

Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the United States are set up by anti-abortion believers as a misdirection/redirection…

Adeism…aka Theism

Theist – One who believes in an active god. Deist – One who believes in an…

Chick-Fil-A Employee Throws Down Staff Which Turns Into Snake Eating Popeyes’ False Serpents FRESNO, CA—In a meager attempt to establish his restaurant as the chicken-sandwich powerhouse, a Popeyes…

Quartz: A history of American antisemitism Senators Jacky Rosen and James Lankford, who describe themselves as “a practicing Jewish Democrat from…

Does Islam Allow Its Followers To Lie?

The Hadith quoted below is the most complete variant of the story how Muhammad ordered his…

Atheism is Dead…

…to me. I’ve never been comfortable with the word.  It’s derogatory, negative by definition, and is…

Rep. Ilhan Omar accused of anti-Semitism before CAIR gala speech

A Saturday tweet by the controversial Minnesota congresswoman — referencing possible presidential contender Michael Bloomberg and…

52% of German Jews are blamed for anything done by the Israeli government “frequently” or “all the time.”

Key findings 52% said they are being blamed for anything done by the Israeli government “frequently”…

Is the UK sinking into an amoral morass?

King’s College, London has recently conducted a survey of moral attitudes in the UK and those…

A Biblical Four-Horse Race!

Hi A Biblical Four-Horse Race! Let’s hypothesis that we have a four-horse race between the old…

Why Secular Atheism Leads to Nihilism

So logical Atheism is said to be the replacement for religion. Does the human race even…

My Religiometer

I propose to discuss a scale for ranging religious concepts in the order of their harmful…