Anti-vax family thankful they’ll have more leftovers this year

This Thanksgiving anti-vaxx family, the Millers, announced that they’ll be giving thanks for all the extra…

Antivaxxer spends day protesting hospital where he’ll spend next month intubated

Local anti-vaccine protestor Brayden Crosby, 32, spent today demonstrating against COVID-19 vaccine mandates outside the hospital…

Time-travelling Bible author horrified to discover people took his fantasy novel literally

A disruption occurred at a local library last week, caused by a man who claimed to…

Trump definitely going to jail, claims reporter who’s new here

With numerous devastating charges laid against the Trump Organization by New York prosecutors, the 45th President of the…

Cosby conviction overturned after court rules that at least 1000 more women needed to have come forward

Despite being credibly accused of sexual assault by sixty women and serving just under three years of a…

Giuliani to appeal law suspension all the way up to Supreme Court Total Landscaping

After being suspended from practising law in New York State due to his many “misleading statements”…

US to trick vaccine hesitant individuals into taking vaccine by wrapping it in peanut butter

In an effort to counter the high numbers of vaccine skeptics in the nation, the CDC has recently…

“Why did Meghan murder Prince Philip?” ask British tabloids

In the wake of The Duke of Edinburgh’s untimely death at the far too young age…

White supremacist organization clears white supremacist of white supremacy

Asian residents breathed a sigh of relief yesterday when the Atlanta Police Department, a white supremacist organization, cleared…

Governor brags that death tolls are bigger in Texas

Texas Governor Greg Abbott brought an end to state-wide mask mandates and gathering restrictions late Tuesday evening, boasting that…

Anti-maskers celebrate Daft Punk breakup

Anti-maskers celebrated today after the announcement that Daft Punk, pioneering electronic musicians known for monster hits…

Local‌ ‌transphobe‌ ‌who‌ ‌never‌ ‌attends‌ ‌women’s‌ ‌sports‌ ‌suddenly‌ ‌concerned‌ ‌about‌‌ women’s‌ ‌sports

After US President Biden issued an Executive Order banning gender identity discrimination in sports, local transphobic man…